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Podcast "L'éthique sans filtre" with L'ADN

In 2023, we would like to talk about 2 subjects : Ethics and Data / AI.

This themes are incrementally recuring inside companies, especillay with the rise of generative AI and the development of Chat GPT to general public, all activity sectors alike.   

That's why with l'ADN, we lors avec l'ADN, we have created a podcast's series of 5 epidodes to decipher the issues surrounding AI and data. Like a foretaste of what we will talk about in Biarritz next October. 

"L'éthique sans filtre" is born!

Please note that this podcast is recorded in French.


New episode: Communications: how to avoid washing ?

How can we reconcile the story we tell with the collection of personal data? Is a label enough? And what does it actually mean to be honest and transparent? We talk to Fanny Auger, entrepreneur and storytelling specialist, and Adrien Rivierre, storytelling expert and founder of Narratopias.


Episode 1 : Can AI follow ethical rules? 

A question we can all ask in front of the rise of AI in our daily lives. In this first episode, Giada Pistilli, éthicist at Hugging Face, is Guillaume Ledit's guest to adress the issues around AI regulations and governance, support to users and the inclusion of possible cultural bias in the algorithm, with a social and ethical point of view.

Enjoy the next 25min!

Episode 2 : how to use AI for marketing ?

So how do we include ethics into Marketing campaign that analyse and manage huge amount of data? Guillaume Ledit discusses this topics with Volha Litviniets, author of a thesis Marketing ethics facing the AI challenge and David Nedzela, Chief Marketing & Customer Officer, SNCF Connect, in this second episode of L'éthique sans filtre.



Eager to learn more and go on with the conversation with like minded C-levels? See you in Biarritz from 3 to 5 October:  

01 / 03 oct. 2024 Biarritz

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