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Business | Inspiration | Networking The event

Opening Conference 2022


The 8th edition of One to One Biarritz brought together more than 650 decision-makers, brands and solution providers to inspire the customer experience of tomorrow.
Since its creation, the event has been able to encourage the best encounters, facilitate, bring people together and also surprise.
In 2021, after several months of instability, pandemics and social breakdown, authenticity was at the heart of the event. In 2022, the dynamic was new, the desire for renewal was bubbling over, and it was boldness that came to the fore.

Brands, BE DARING!
What did we talk about during these three days in Biarritz? The way in which brands interact, exchange and co-construct with their communities. Because in this relationship, everyone can and must contribute value, and this is the sine qua non for creating a remarkable brand experience.
The role of brands has changed considerably over the last 24 months. Customers have made a major selection, leaving two winners: the useful and the pleasurable. The useful will only be replaced if it is no longer useful, or less so. The pleasurable comes from taking a step aside, from the surprise, from the extra something that makes all the difference. For brands, there is no choice but to DARE.
As for customers, their role today is more complicated and demanding. They have to consume better, calculate the impact of their purchases, check the quality of products and the production chain, recycle but also respond to new needs. In short, contradictory injunctions are the new basis of consumption. They are committed and sincere. They must make choices, thet must BE DARING.

How can we create value in the customer experience? How can brands shake things up and reinvent engagement?
You can't set tomorrow's codes and rules by doing what everyone else is doing or by staying in your comfort zone.
Let's dare the customer experience!

Introduction par Sonia Mamin, Directrice de l'événement

• "Osons l'expérience client" le Fact & Figures de Thomas Husson, Principal Analyst, Forrester

• "Osez toujours, céder parfois, renoncer jamais" le Talk de Peggy Bouchet, navigatrice, aventurière et entrepreneure. Une intervention inspirante qui s’appuie sur l’humain, les softskills et crée ainsi le lien entre l’esprit d’aventure et l’esprit d’entreprendre Peggy nous parle de valeurs fortes et de thématiques plus que jamais d’actualité :

  • Apprendre à mieux se connaitre et oser sa singularité
  • Muscler son audace
  • Encourager l’engagement
  • Cultiver la résilience, la capacité d’adaptation et la curiosité
  • No fail, No gain ! : Se construire en osant, en tentant, en échouant, en recommençant
  • Adopter une attitude, un vocabulaire optimiste
  • Raviver la fierté d’avoir osé, tenté et relevé un challenge Autant d’éléments pour encourager tout à chacun à traverser son Atlantique !

01 / 03 oct. 2024 Biarritz

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