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Opening Conference

Introduction by Sonia Mamin, Event Director

"Osons l'experience client " Fact & Figures by Thomas Husson, Principal Analyst, Forrester

"Osez toujours, céder parfois, renoncer jamais" the Talk by Peggy Bouchet, sailor, adventurer and entrepreneur. An inspiring talk that relies on human beings, softskills and thus creates the link between the spirit of adventure and the spirit of entrepreneurship. Peggy talks to us about strong values and themes that are more than ever topical:

Learn to know yourself better and dare to be unique
Build up one's audacity
Encouraging commitment
Cultivate resilience, adaptability and curiosity
No fail, No gain! Build yourself by daring, by trying, by failing, by starting over
Adopt an optimistic attitude and vocabulary
Rekindle pride in having dared, tried and taken up a challenge All these elements encourage everyone to cross the Atlantic!

01 / 03 oct. 2024 Biarritz

#1to1ExpClient #1to1Biarritz